How to find your brand voice
It’s about time we bring brand voice to the forefront. Get an insight into the value of storytelling and the impact of cutting through the industry noise.
More and more we are being confronted with what is now known as “360 content” - a relentless torrent of media and marketing selling us products and services left, right, and centre. Be it digital or in person, your business becomes one of many fish in the sea, an increasingly competitive market primarily driven by how effectively we communicate our message. We are no stranger to stories, in fact it’s often the familiar form of all-encompassing marketing that seals the deal. Successful businesses are built to connect with people, and the stories we tell each other are just one means of bridging the gap between community and consumer.
In both a business to business and business to consumer context, a strong brand voice cuts through the industry noise, telling a story instead of selling a promise. But what does a brand voice look (or sound) like? The answer is here: it draws storytelling and branding together, speaking from the stories they generate both visually and through the written word. A successful brand voice is listened to - from the body font and colour scheme to the all-important tag-line and mission, we are hooked in, and ready for the next chapter.
Your brand is more than just a logo, and your potential customers know this. They’re looking for a business with a clear beginning, middle, and end, a structured story with depth, meaning. The importance of structured communication and business identity helps to build a healthy and balanced business destined for success.
At nooh we’re no stranger to this process, with years of experience helping to develop ambitious brands through a tried and tested method of storytelling, design, and digital innovation. Our perspective is human-centred, combining design and strategy with a bespoke branding process built to share your message.
Want to tell your story? We are all ears. Book your free discovery consultation with Helena today!