Do I need extra help with my small business?

When does your solo business need good company? Knowing when to add a name to the payroll or reach out to a contractor is the next step in seeing real growth, but it’s not straightforward…

We’re all familiar with the solopreneur. Well versed in their product or service, keen to get ahead in the industry, but up to their neck in admin, copywriting, and the ever impending demand of social media.

There’s only so much you can take on as a small business owner before demand outweighs resource.

Good leadership involves self-awareness and humility – when you see things getting out of hand, chances are you need to budget for some support. 

It’s not a simple solution, and comes with many considerations – not only do you need the financial backing, you need to have connections to people who will get the job done, a strategy in place, and the foresight to know what needs to be achieved. What exactly are these jobs? And who can we hire to fill the position? 

The digital world is expanding, creating jobs that never existed a decade ago. It’s becoming near impossible to be an “off-line” business. The independent coffee shop at the end of your road doesn’t filter digital coffee, but it will most likely instagram your morning flat white on a paid advertising campaign, advised by a social media manager, and endorsed by an influential content creator. The shift from on-the-ground trading to a fully fledged e-commerce site brings with it an opportunity to onboard digital collaborators and diverse creative perspectives. It’s no mean feat, but it pays off.

Let’s take a look at where your time is being spent, and see where you could do with an extra pair of hands…

  • Do you spend more than two days a week doing admin? You could be in need of a virtual assistant.

  • Do you wake up at night worrying about your social media campaign? Consider getting in touch with a social media manager.

  • Does it take you more than two hours to make a reel or TikTok? Think about reaching out to an expert content creator.

  • Do you find yourself getting lost when uploading content to your website? Take a look into what some website assistance might provide you with.

  • Do you spend hours going over sales collateral trying to make it look good? Support from a graphic designer will help to speed up the process.

If you answer yes to more than two of these, the likelihood is you could do with some extra help! 

Looking for freelance help has never been easier! Check out the following digital spaces for experienced digital creatives:

  • Instagram search #VirtualAssistant  or get in touch with Wired Differently

  • The Dots - An expansive digital creative community 

  • Shout out on LinkedIn or your preferred digital platform 

Helena Traill

Founder of nooh Studio, Helena is a Central Saint Martins Graphic Design alumni and now studying a part time Masters in Healthcare and Design at The Royal College of Art. She writes about graphic design, branding and storytelling. Follow along for frequent updates on Linkedin.

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