Your How To Guide to Video Storytelling

In today's digital age, video content reigns supreme. Whether you're a healthcare organisation, a youth sector business or a not-for-profit, video storytelling is crucial for capturing (and retaining) your audience's attention. With countless videos vying for viewer engagement on various platforms, it's essential to share content that helps you stand out from the crowd. 

But how exactly do you create a video for social media? What makes a good video different from a great video? What do you need to do, step by step to get there? If you’re asking yourself these questions, we’ve got you covered. Discover the nooh way to create videos and get the knowledge you need to start creating your own great content today. 

Before we start, what is video storytelling?

We recently chatted all things video storytelling on our blog, covering everything from what it is to why it’s so important. You can check out that article here. 

Or, if you need the SparkNotes version:

  • Video storytelling combines the visual appeal of traditional video content with emotionally resonant narratives to both catch attention and connect with people. 

  • Video helps you stand out from the crowd, build efficiency in your marketing efforts and ensure you’re accessible to a wide range of audiences.

Now we’ve re-covered what video storytelling is and why using it in your marketing efforts is important, let’s show you how! 

Your Guide to Video Storytelling

There’s no single “one way” to create video content. However, over the years, we’ve developed the nooh way of thinking© - our unique approach to crafting effective designs, and that includes video creation. Below is our step by step guide, filled with handy tips and tricks to help you get started on your own video creation journey.

Your ideas for video

All good ideas start with your audience. It might sound obvious, but understanding your target client really is key to creating engaging videos. Sure, you know your audience demographic already, but what are their interests and preferences when it comes to video content? Refresh your knowledge and consider what challenges they face, what questions they have and how they behave online. Brainstorming video ideas that provide genuine value to your audience and even testing them with end-viewers through co-design.

Plan to create

It’s no surprise that visuals play a crucial role in engaging viewers and sharing messages effectively. But amazing designs don’t just happen by themselves, we need to meticulously plan them. To create a video which looks polished and professional, you’ll need to carefully storyboard each scene. Then bring it to life with high-quality cameras, lighting equipment and editing software, or an expert team who can produce everything for you… 

Editing content

With most people today viewing videos on their phones, it's essential to edit and optimise your content for mobile viewing. Make sure that your videos are formatted correctly for phone screens and load quickly on both mobiles and tablets. Keep your graphics large and legible, and avoid using small fonts or intricate details that might be difficult to see on smaller screens.

How long should your video be?

Thanks to our collective shrinking attention span, you’ve got to keep your video content to the point. Aim to convey your message in as short a time as possible, focusing on quality over quantity. Removing any unnecessary fluff and ensuring that every second of your video has a clear purpose.

Writing a narrative

Incorporating a narrative into your video is  a great way to, not just engage, but connect with your audience. Us humans are hardwired to respond to storytelling after all. Whether you're sharing a personal anecdote or showcasing a client success story, storytelling makes your video content more relatable, memorable and, crucially, engaging. So ensure your video has a clear narrative arc including a challenge, a confrontation and a conclusion. 

We hope you’ve found our guide helpful! 

At nooh we’re experts in co-design. We work with you, your clients and your communities to seamlessly combine storytelling with strategy. Creating videos that don’t just reach more people, but motivate, inspire and engage them. Get in touch today to chat about how we can support you to grow your brand through effective storytelling.

Helena Traill

Founder of nooh Studio, Helena is a Central Saint Martins Graphic Design alumni and now studying a part time Masters in Healthcare and Design at The Royal College of Art. She writes about graphic design, branding and storytelling. Follow along for frequent updates on Linkedin.

Storytelling for Podcasts